Welcome to Spark Energy!
We Want Your Power to be Reliable .
Enter your zip code in the box on the right to see electricity rates in your area. If you take no action and remain a PPL default service customer, your electricity rate will have increased by 14% from 7.43 to 8.49. However, if you want to avoid bill chock, then you’ve come to the right place. Enter your zip code in the box to the right to see what other rates are available in your area.
Spark Energy was founded in 1999 and has grown to become one of the most trusted retail energy suppliers in the United States. Based in Houston, Texas, we have been providing electricity and natural gas to homes just like yours for more than 15 years.
Spark Energy is dedicated to empowering the communities we serve by offering flexible energy solutions and partnering with organizations that share our vision of growth and prosperity of everyone, our goal is to make neighborhoods better place to live and work, with a special focus on raising the quality of life for children and military veterans. We also put our efforts toward entrepreneurship education, renewable energy, and other initiatives that promote America’s economic future and a cleaner environment.
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