12140 Wickchester Ln Suite #100, Houston, TX 77079


It’s like getting more than 4 months of free electricity.

  • Save 26% over United Illuminating Company’s (UI) current rate.
  • Lock in a fixed rate for 12 months.
  • Protect yourself from drastic rate hikes, like UI’s 18% increase*.
  • Enjoy a worry-free switch that we’ll handle for you, including letting your current provider know.

HURRY! Offer ends May 31,2016.



Terms and Conditions
Spark Energy, LLC (“Spark Energy”). Certain Terms and Conditions apply. This electricity offer is valid for areas serviced by United Illuminating energy customers only. Offer is for first-time customers only. Spark Energy’s savings claim and percentage increase claim are based on 10,000 kWh annual usage, the previous Electrical Distribution Company’s (EDC) rate of .091¢/kWh valid from 7/1/2015 to 12/31/2015 and current rate of .11¢/kWh valid from 1/1/2016 to 6/30/2016 as understood by Spark Energy on 3/15/2016. Spark Energy’s rate of 7.99¢/kWh is fixed for the first 12 months of service. This rate should not be construed as a guarantee of savings or of a future rate beyond the initial fixed rate. Your Terms of Service and Spark Energy Renewable Energy Statement can be found in your Welcome Packet or online at SparkEnergy.com. This rate may be different, including higher, than your utility’s supply rate. The Spark Energy rate quoted is only for the specified commodity supply provided by Spark Energy. The Spark Energy rate quoted does not include any tax, utility distribution charges or other utility charges. Switching to a third party supplier is not mandatory and you have the option of remaining with your EDC for basic generation service. Offer expires on 5/31/2016. Residential supply pricing does not change based on usage. PURA Docket No. 10-06-18.

EDC delivery rates also apply, including the following charges for UI Distribution Rate: $0.00117 per kWh for the Combined Public Benefits Charge. $0.0006 per kWh for the FMCC Delivery Charge, $0.0235 per kWh for the Transmission Charge, $0.0628 per kWh for the Distribution Charge and $17.25 per month for the Basic Service Charge.

Sign up online now or call us at 800.962.0833 and mention promotion code UISAVE.


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