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Deregulation Means Delaware Residents and Businesses Have the Power to Choose

Deregulation Means Delaware Residents and Businesses Have the Power to Choose

Independent retail energy supplier Spark Energy is moving into a new market! Now electric customers in Delaware can get customized energy plans that reduce costs along with best-in-class customer service.

Spark Energy service areas already cover much of the northeast, including Maryland, New York, and New Jersey. It was only a matter of time before we brought our top-rated electric plans to Delaware!
When consumers have the ability to choose their service providers it means they can get fixed rates and have a better chance of finding exactly what they need. That’s what deregulation does for electricity.

Not long ago, people didn’t have a choice in who provided their electricity. But in 1999 that changed for electric customers in Delaware. The legislation was passed that restructured how the electricity industry operated and deregulated the supply portion of electric service.

Now Delaware residents and businesses are able to select a third party electric supplier from the list of active suppliers. Active suppliers are:

  • Companies that are equipped to serve residential and/or commercial electric customers and have received certification from the Delaware Public Service Commission as well as registering with Delmarva Power.
  • Or companies that have provided the Delaware Public Service Commission with the proof they can accept residential and/or commercial customers in the state.

Spark Energy is among the select group of active suppliers. Residential and commercial customers in Delaware now have another choice to get electricity from a multi-state licensed retail supplier that has been around almost as long as deregulation!

Uninterrupted Service When You Make the Switch

In a deregulated market you choose who supplies your power, not the utility provider that distributes the power. Spark Energy is working with utility provider Delmarva Power, the entity that currently distributes electricity for thousands of Delaware customers.

This gives you the benefit of being able to switch electric suppliers without interrupting your service. Even your bills will continue to come from Delmarva Power. You’ll get the same reliable source of electricity but can take advantage of unique electric plans, better rates, and exemplary customer service when you choose Spark Energy.

Experience the Difference of Delaware Electric Plans from Spark Energy

Spark Energy proudly serves over 600,000 customers with reliable electricity. We’re excited to begin working with Delaware residents and businesses to show them why so many people trust us to power their homes and businesses.

Spark Energy Plans – See What You’ve Been Missing

If you’ve been searching for a reliable electric supplier with great customer service and even better rates, you’ll be glad Spark Energy has come to Delaware!

Lock in Rates and Avoid Seasonal Price Hikes

One thing our customers enjoy is the ability to lock in electric rates for 6, 12 or 24 months. This means you don’t have to worry about seasonal price adjustments or unpredictable rate increases.

Company That Believes the Customer Comes First

Unlike other electric suppliers, Spark Energy doesn’t leave its customers hanging. Our first call resolution rate, net promoter score, and customer satisfaction rating are higher than the industry averages.

Community Support
Delaware residents won’t just benefit from having a reliable electricity option. Spark Energy invests in the communities it serves. When we move into a service area one of the first things we do is a partner with local organizations that are working to better the community. Our philanthropic efforts have focused on helping children, military veterans, people affected by natural disasters, and the environment.

See how easy it is to make the switch and start improving your electricity service!

You can switch to a Spark Energy plan quickly and easily! Sign up online in minutes without paying any sign-up fees.
You don’t have to call your utility provider or arrange for billing. We’ll handle all of the details for you. Simply enter your zip code to find available electric plans and compare rates. Select the plan you like best and provide some basic information. Soon you’ll receive confirmation letters from Delmarva Power and Spark Energy noting the change in electric suppliers.
That’s all there is to it. At Spark Energy, we make electric service simple!

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Delaware Historical and Current Variable Rates

In Delaware, licensed suppliers are required to post the historical variable rates that were charged to their customers in preceding months. The rates on this chart represent the weighted average rate across all available variable plans:

Utility Commodity July 2023 Aug 2023 Sep 2023 Oct 2023 Nov 2023 Dec 2023 Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 June 2024
Delmarva Power – DE Electric $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699 $0.1699


Current variable rates are shown below.

Product Name Utility June 2024 Rate July 2024 Rate Unit Commodity
Fixed Evergreen Delmarva Power – DE $0.1699 $0.1699 kWh Electric
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