Are the holidays always hectic? Are you so busy with all the extra activities that you forget to make self-care a priority?
If that sounds familiar, the holidays may be the perfect time to take a break from all the distracting devices and screens so you have time to truly enjoy the joyous season and save energy at the same time. Here are four very good reasons why you’ll want to disconnect from all the electronics to get more connected this holiday season.
Less Stress and More Cheer
Technology makes life easier in a lot of ways, but it can also increase your stress levels. From social media comparisons to negative news updates, what’s online isn’t always positive. It’s easy to feel overloaded and overwhelmed by all the information.
All of the options alone can trigger significant stress. There’s something called decision fatigue that can set in. Each time you click on something you’re making a decision. After making a number of decisions you can get mentally and even emotionally depleted. When that happens you can run into decision fatigue and your decision making will get worse.
During the holidays you have a lot of extra decisions to make figuring out what presents to get, making plans for festivities and choosing which events to attend. Help ward off decision fatigue by disconnecting from your devices so you can focus on the decisions that matter most during the holidays.
Being Present Makes Opening Presents Better
Everyone is in the moment when they are ripping open a present. But how present are you before that moment? And what about an hour afterward?
Part of the reason opening gifts feels so great is because we’re usually completely present at that moment. We don’t have a screen in front us and are instead focused on what’s in front of us in real life.
It’s tempting to pull out your phone or tablet to record special holiday moments, like opening presents, but it puts a barrier between you and the moment. Try to limit this so that you can fully be in the moment with your loved ones on the other side of the camera. You’ll probably have a fonder memory of the moment when you’re completely engaged.
And you don’t have to forgo preserving the memories. You can set up a camera to record festivities without holding it, or you can make a conscious decision to limit using devices during special moments. Another option is to coordinate with others in the group so you take turns taking pictures and videos.
Give Yourself the Gift of Spending Time on Yourself
One way to make time for yourself during the busy holiday season is to simply keep social media and internet surfing to a minimum. Many people are surprised when they realize how much time they spend on social media and other online accounts. You can see how much time you spend on apps in your phone’s settings app. There are also tools to help you manage your time on apps so you limit use during the holiday season.
However much time you cut out, dedicate all or some of the time saved to self-care. As already noted, the holidays can be a stressful time. It’s more important than ever to focus on your wellbeing so that you can give others your best. Your holiday self-care routine can include:
- Journaling
- Meditation
- Hiking
- Walking
- Exercising
- Reading
One way to really practice self-care is to increase the quality and/or amount of sleep you’re getting. Most people should get between six and nine hours of sleep each night. When you’re sick or more rundown, which can happen during the holidays, the more sleep you can get the better.
Spending Less on Energy So Holiday Decor Doesn’t Increase Your Bill
Worried that the lights and electronic decorations will increase your electricity bill? Putting down the devices and shutting off screens is going to help reduce energy use to offset the energy used by holiday decor.
Just consider this: 6.63 billion kWhs of electricity are used every year to power holiday decorations in the U.S. LED lights are going to be the most energy efficient by far. You’ll only use about 18 kWhs of electricity for an LED light display. But even that can be leveled out by unplugging from most of the electronics during the holidays.
The holidays are a special time of year when connecting with others is a priority. It’s a reminder of how much value friends and family bring to our lives every day. Unplugging will help you get the full benefit of the holidays by giving you more time to focus on the things that matter most.
Is a new electricity plan on your holiday shopping list? Use your zip code to see which Spark Energy plans are offered in your area.